Landscaping work underway at the new Skate Park

Landscaping work underway at the new Skate Park

A very productive week now that the lovely spring sunshine is upon us. Now the site has had a chance to dry out and settle down, the groundsteam at North Walsham Town Council along with JA Plant Hire has been busy landscaping around the Skate Park. Wild flower meadow...
New Skate Park is officially opened!

New Skate Park is officially opened!

On Saturday 26th Feb 2022, the new Skate Park officially opened at 11am by Town Mayor Garry Bull and Local MP Duncan Baker. Many users young and old came out to see the new facility open. Lovely write in the North Norfolk News available here A few photos below with...
The final pour is done!

The final pour is done!

All concrete related works linked with the new Skate Park are now completed! We should take ownership of the park in the next few days. One of the contractors even got a chance to test drive the new dual-bowl! Looking great...
Skate Park Progess – Late Jan 2022

Skate Park Progess – Late Jan 2022

We are so close to having the Skate Park completed and handed over! Look at these amazing progress photos. We think you’ll all agree that the new park is going to be an amazing asset to the Town.